sweeteners like agave nectar instead. Fast foods may be time effective to you but, your body will pay the price.
5. Get more of the good fat please! Some fat is actually good for us but it depends upon what kind of fat we are eating. Olive oil is a great choice when cooking and is heart healthy, meaning it will not clog your arteries like saturated fat or hydrogenated oils (found in lots of chips, cookies and crackers). Another good source of healthy fat is found in nuts and seeds such as almonds and pumpkin seeds. Grapeseed oil is another oil that is a wonderful addition to your pantry. I suggest you give coconut oil a try, you’ll love how your food taste.
6. Drink plenty of water. Do you know that as many as 75% of Americans are in a chronic state of dehydration? Ditch your soda that’s full of caffeine, sugar and calories for water. It is suggested that you drink at least 6-8 glasses per, but I say the more the better. To change it up a little bit reach for sparkling water, flavored water, Fiji, Evamoor or Penta to help your body stay balanced. You may even want to try Coconut water, which is definitely a change from regular plain water.
7. Get your body moving. Proper eating can only do so much. If you have a sedentary lifestyle and don’t get enough exercise, weight gain is pretty much a unavoidable. Instead of reaching for the remote, pick up some hand weights. Instead of the elevator, take the stairs. Get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes three times a week. The easiest and cheapest thing to do is to use your two legs and walk. You can walk inside by counting at least 10,000 steps or you can walk outside. The choice is up to you, just get moving on a daily basis in some purposeful way.
8. Use nature to heal your body. Do you have a sore throat? Before reaching for your
typical cold medicine, try some natural remedies . Garlic is an antibacterial and great for boosting the immune system. Echinacea is terrific for fighting off a cold and flu. Add the use of essentials oils which can also help you heal naturally. There is a whole world of herbs that will help you take care of your body from the inside out.
9. See the doctor, I recommend going to the doctors to get your well person check- up so that you know what you are dealing with and what needs to be done to handle it. Your doctor is your health and wellness partner and you need to be on the same page. The final decision is up to you and to what you will do and won’t do.
10. Make self-care a priority! Are you overworked, overstressed or simply just overdone with life? Then try some of these activities to help relieve the pressure: aromatherapeutic baths, deep breathing, meditation, prayer, therapeutic massage, laughter, stretching, play soothing music or whatever you enjoy that relaxes you!
11. Get proper rest. It is very important that you get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep nightly to ensure that your body will get what it needs. During this time your body’s immune system is doing what God created it to do, which is to protect you for infections, sickness and disease. Rest when you are tired. Increase physical activity when you are feeling sluggish. Don’t overeat, when you are no longer hungry, simply stop eating. Our bodies will inform us about what they need, if we would just listen and obey
Cee Cee H. Caldwell-Miller, MA, CLC
“The Wellness Architect”
Kingdom Health & Wellness Ambassador
A Healthier U Lifestyle Co.
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