Real Life Real Faith Christmas Magazine (2) | Page 23

PAGE 23 FINANCE REVIEW 2017 performance. Let's say, for example, that you want to  best start and it seems in the beginning that it apply for a merchant account (maybe a high-risk would be difficult for the business to survive. one) so you can start processing credit card requests However, small changes in strategies and cuts in for your customers. When you approach a merchant costs can prove to be greatly benefitting for account provider, they will ask for some history of businesses. The best time to start afresh and renew your business activities-at least 3 months. By the end all your reports and files is the end of the year. While of the year, you have enough data to show to lenders you can change your strategies and plans midway and credit processing services to convince them to too, it is natural for most humans to feel the need for do business with you. a new start at the start of a new year. For example, people can decide to lose weight at any time of the Of course, a financial review will give you a good year, but it seems it makes most sense to them look at whether you have done enough to impress when they do it at the start of a new year. these service providers or not. You can apply for these services with a quarterly credit history as well, If you think your business has not performed really but in most cases it will not be considered sufficient. well, but you still want to give it a shot, the end of year financial review can clear the path for you by Best Time to Get Your Tax Files in Sync telling you if you can afford to give it another shot or not. Yes, you have been extra careful about your tax filing and preparation the whole year, but the overall Bottom Line integrity of your records still has a question mark on it. It is extremely important for you to prepare your There is definitely no restriction on when you want tax files at the end of the year and calculate your to make changes to your business plans and liability with utmost accuracy. While tax preparation strategies. However, people find it natural and more softwares have made the job much easier, complex motivating to set new goals, learn from past tax files still need attention from your personal mistakes and make new moves when a new year accountants to get everything in sync. Now, the starts. Throughout the year your main goal is to keep important thing here is that a review does not only the ball rolling. However, it is at the end of the year help you escape penalties that you might attract by that you have enough data collected from all your putting wrong information on your file. You want to business operations and activities to know how update your information at the end of the year fruitful your efforts were, which efforts you should because you want to accurately calculate your own consider in future and the expenses have been benefits too e.g. tax credits, exemptions, standard keeping you from progressing. In short, a financial deductions, itemized deductions, etc. review at the end of the year helps you make new and important decisions for your business. Time to Start Afresh More detailed information and useful advice can be Your business might not have been a very successful found at venture. In fact, many businesses don't make the Article Source: