Real Life Real Faith Christmas Magazine (2) | Page 22

FINANCE REVIEW PAGEĀ 22 2017 WHY THEĀ END OF THE YEAR IS THE PERFECT TIME TO REVIEW YOUR FINANCES Pierre Jean Claude Whether you have a startup, a small business Same goes for your account receivables. Compare or a large enterprise, chances are the year has your account receivables with those from the passed at the speed of light for you. You were previous years and see if there has been any increase designing your marketing campaigns, or decrease. If there is an abnormal increase, it is a availing opportunities of growth and looking through reports when the year-end arrived. While people dedicate this time of the year to holiday delights and festivities, this also happens to be the perfect time to do a review telltale sign that you might need to change your payment plan or push more to receive your pending payments faster. Every activity you have done in the past year has painted a picture, which is now in front of you. Whether you grew as a business, stagnated or rThe Best Time to Set New Goals of your finances whether you are just an individual with a 9 to 5 job or a small Based on how you performed in the preceding year business. Why should you spend your end of and whether or not you have achieved your set the year for a financial review? Here are the targets and goals, you can set goals for the coming top reasons. year. Your previous year's performance should clarify how you have to set your targets for the coming A Strong Visual of Your Financial Standing year. Keep them realistic yet motivating and challenging enough to leave room for hard work, The most important thing about a year-end financial struggle and progress. Not only should you be review is that it gives you a complete visual of where looking at how successful you were in achieving your business is standing at the moment. Everything previous year's goals, you should also pay attention that has happened throughout the year is now on to your current financial standing. the reports before your eyes. You can look at the reports and see what has performed and what has Best Time to Apply for Loans and Credit Processing not performed. You must have put a lot of money Services into marketing your products, services and the brand as a whole. You can now see which of those Regardless of how long you have been in business campaigns have yielded good results and