Real Flash Fiction Volume 1 | Page 3


A noun. A female stricken with fear (to the point of peeing in her panties), but is still able to perform superhuman feats. This phenomenon is well documented. Our society is flooded with instances of women single-handedly lifting cars to free trapped babies, managing large staffs while potty training a three-year old—while pregnant or successfully completing an degree program while working two full time jobs and writing a New York Times Best Seller.

First, Let Me Say...

We’ve all had them—those  days when you get that sinking feeling.  You know what I mean.  It’s like when your finger pokes through cheap toilet paper— and you wonder if there are any witnesses.  You feel like everyone else is speeding through the world sipping champagne in the backseat of a luxury car while you’re left standing at the bus stop with a lukewarm generic diet cola. 

Don’t panic.  Things are not what they seem.

 You do matter.

This is simply a break from crap overflow.  You are just catching your breath.  You are just taking a few minutes to ponder the great questions of life—like, ah how many calories are in a communion wafer.  You are simply resting while you replenish your genius juice.  You are just stopping to pose for your  “Before” pictures.  You are steadying yourself in preparation for the next chapter of your life. That chapter is full of eye-popping successes. That chapter begins now.  

 You do matter.

You can do anything you can imagine and you can do it in brilliant style—and in such 3-D that you make the Avatar movie look like a coloring book. Your radiance is so phenomenal people will wear welding goggles just to have a brief conversation with you.  Yes, there will be large-scale squinting when you appear.

Don’t be concerned about those who may think of you differently.  They are blind, stupid or jealous.  None of those conditions can be remedied by you.

So,  strut your sensational stuff…we’re all watching you with jaw-dropping amazement.