Real Flash Fiction Volume 1 | Page 2

Eva Boddy

Your Editor

Like to read something insightful and hot? Short on time? You clicked the right buttons. I’m your editor, author and curator of stories and other content to soothe your stress, raise your temperature and let your fantasies run wild.

That’s what “Real Flash Fiction” is all about. Short stories, essays and irreverent commentary—all very short pieces that take less than an hour to experience. This interactive publication contains audio, video and other links designed to give you more than a good read…we give you an experience.

Don’t you just love a good story? I do too.

I love the way sparkling words and ideas bounce around my brain, spilling vivid visuals and sounds that fend off normality.

Stories for a mature audience really get my attention. But I’m always short on time…ok, and patience. I want to get to the good stuff—quickly. I want to know who did it and how—and why. I want to know how they met and how the relationship goes. I want to know if they have some new bedroom tricks. I want to know it all—quickly.

In this age of short attention spans, when we focus on something, it better be meaningful, interesting, curiosity-inspiring, sexy or just plain fun. You’ll find it all here. Each issue contains a short story—fun to read romance and tasteful erotica. You'll find motivational and sometimes irreverent commentary to help clarify the stupidity life can throw at you.

You’ll also be treated to the next installment of one of our audio book serials. This issue includes Weeds – Part 1. Our first (and surprisingly popular) crime drama serial. This steamy feast of crime, circumstances, characters and motives are offered in short manageable bites. You’ll meet Manny, a daring and capable professional who has a penchant for smooth surfaces, sharp edges, impeccable cleanliness and doing the right thing. Sex. Love. Mutilation. Murder. Mystery. All is revealed in each new part you’ll find right here each month. Each part creates new questions and offers compelling answers. Be warned though, some answers are a bit unsettling.

Enough talk...time to enjoy this issue.

Eva, Queen of Her Universe