Crossways is prioritising the safety of its community . Focusing on “ getting back ” to safety , to kids being kids again , to big skies , outdoor living and beautiful vistas . Getting back to really living . Crossways is also neighbour to one of the best schools in the country Woodridge College , which is only 3km away .
Environmental Value
Environmental value focuses on the sustainability dividend that accrues from that place . The extent to which the environmental best practices have been utilised to cost-effectively enhance the return on the asset .
“ The whole world is focused on environmental value . But it is very simple . If you don ’ t look after the environment , the environment won ’ t look after you ,” says Dr Mulder .
Crossways is built on 570 hectares where roughly one third is under permanent irrigation for agriculture , one third is set aside for conservation and one third development .
Dr Mulder says : “ Crossways was a dairy farm of almost 600 hectares . We did an environmental analysis of the site and then mapped out the high potential agricultural soils - these will remain untouched to ensure food security . Then we did a conservation analysis and mapped out the areas .
Everything that doesn ’ t fall into agricultural or conservation , this is where we put humans to live . The infrastructure costs are the same , but it is the planning and design that make a difference to the value .”
8 NOV 2021 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine