Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa October 2016 | Page 34

FINANCE Don’t be caught out by Tax Laws The CPA and danger that lurks… BY JOSE DELGADO T he Consumer Protection Act (CPA) No: 68 of 2008 was promulgated on the first of April 2011. For some not quite an April fools joke… and this is the gist of this article. Many consumers are relieved that finally they have recourse to, and remedies against unscrupulous businesses or in many cases very large corporates where their impassioned pleas for better warranties, services, refunds, fending off unwarranted marketing, cooling off clauses, damages or just basic help have fallen on deaf ears! Whilst the CPA has many positive aspects for consumers and is a great piece of legislation the CPA introduced a seismic shift in our litigation system. This massive change in our litigation landscape has been achieved through the introduction of section 61 of the CPA. Basically the section stipulates that any person that provides good or services to a consumer that results in losses, damages or consequential economic losses to a consumer as a result of the provision of the goods or services shall be liable to such consumer. Section 61 may appear to be fair but it has replaced the previous system of having to prove negligence to secure damages or losses where goods or services have been provided, which was a more objective standard due to an element