Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2013 | Page 69
3D Renderng of the building
Double-glazed, double skin
g r e e n ho u s e g a s e m it t e r, a nd A f r ic a’s
largest. The Silo No1 off ice f loor has been
compared against a similar typical f loor in
relation to system and material properties,
(using the minimum requirements by the
building energy standard SANS 204). The
result shows that a saving of roughly 50%
electricity consumption and CO2 emissions
over a ‘normal’ building is predicted.
Planning behind the building involved
v isit ing top-end susta inable bu i ld ing s
in Australia, and speak ing to occupants
from various green buildings including
the CH2, the first 6 Star building, and the
Pixel building. There were also a number
of sustainable and innovation workshops
i n v ol v e d . T h e d e s i g n t e a m w it h t h e
architectural collaboration of VDMMA and
Rick Brown Associates was responsible for
translating the vision of the building into
the near completed structure it is today. This
marks an important step in the greening of
South Africa’s commercial property sector,
into ensuring that new buildings are built for
sustainability and the future.
V&A Watefront
Air handeling plant room
Raised flooring
Sea water plant room
May 2013 SA Real Estate Investor