Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2013 | Page 68

GREEN PROPERTY BY ANGIE REDMOND The aV&A Goes Green Achieving six-star green rating A n of f ic e bu i ld i n g at t he V& A Waterfront in Cape Town is the first building in the Western Cape to achieve a six-star green rating, and is only the second building in South Africa to achieve this rating. No 1 Silo office building is currently under construction and will be complete in June. It boasts an impressive array of energy saving features, and works with the environment rather than against it. Some of the key features The use of seawater from the Atlantic Ocean allows the building to reject waste heat from the cooling plant, and allows for potable water savings and improves energy efficiency. There is a grey water system, which collects and treats wastewater from hand washbasins and showers to be reused in toilets. The building has a double-glazed, double sk in and high per formance façade that reduces solar heat gain, while maximising the natural light penetrating the building. 66 May 2013 SA Real Estate Investor There is an under f loor mechanical airconditioning system which supplies fresh, cool air from the raised floor, and absorbs warmth as it rises and is extracted at the ceiling level, preventing the build up of pollutants. The interior of the building also boasts an eff icient and environmentally- friendly l ight i ng s y stem, w it h h igh ly ef f ic ient f ittings. In addition there is an individual addressable lighting system, f itted w ith sensors, which ensures the lights are only on when needed. The building will be constructed from a minimum 1% of reused materia ls and will adhere to strict recycling principles throughout construction, which will include the recycling of all of the excavated and demolished material from the site. Easily accessible recycling zones throughout the off ice, and an indigenous rooftop garden with composting facilities and a herb garden for the staff canteen are all part of the greening elements of the No. 1 Silo building. The actual building was constructed using 60% less concrete than its conventional counterparts and Forest Stewardship Councilcertified timber. David Green, CEO of the V&A Waterfront explains what makes this building so unique, “At 18 000m2 it is the largest commercial building in South Africa to receive this world leadership rating for sustainability, and the first in the Western Cape. The sheer scale of this development presented its own challenges makes this a significant achievement.” With sustainability central to the Waterfront’s business strategy, this building is highlights a new era in Cape Town building design. “We recognise that sustainability efforts go beyond just one building. In the last six months, the V&A Waterfront has received a Gold Heritage certification, an Eskom eta Award in the commercial category and a City of Cape Town Energy Efficiency award for initiatives in waste management, recycling and reducing our energy dependence on the grid,” says David. T he V& A i s he lpi n g to pu sh t he boundaries in buildings looking to change Sout h A f r ica’s stat us a ??????????????()??????????????((0