Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July/August 2019 | Page 18
their cover – showcasing an aerial photograph of the side-by-
side inequality in the country. The renowned publication has
labelled SA the “most unequal country”. The image indicates
the stark economic inequality of communities that live
adjacent to one another.
A study by the World Bank indicates that South Africa is
the most unequal country in the world, both socially and
economically. “South Africa remains a dual economy with
one of the highest inequality rates in the world, with a
consumption expenditure Gini coefficient of 0.63 in 2015.
Inequality has been persistent, having increased from
0.61 in 1996. High inequality is perpetuated by a legacy of
exclusion and the nature of economic growth, which is not
pro-poor and does not generate sufficient jobs,” the study
This shocking data has yielded a movement towards
improving socio-economic standards for all South Africans
by implementing affordable/inclusionary housing. An
increase in crime rates can be attributed to the economic
JULY/AUGUST 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine
inequality present in the country, further exacerbated by
the lack of job opportunties, informal settlements and poor
quality of education. However, housing plays a pivotal role
in shapping an individuals life – adeqaute living conditions,
including water and santiation and access to electricity can
improve one’s living standard.
According to the United Nations, Brazil implemeted their
affordable housing scheme in 2009. The national housing
policy dubbed, ‘My House, My Life Programme was
established to generate a sector in which low to middle
income members of the population could purchase
Brazil is focused on ensuring each resident has suitable
housing. Earlier this year, Planet Smart City, a company
focused on creating high-quality low-cost homes,
announced their plans to launch in the Northeast of Brazil.
Named Smart City Natal, the development will be located