Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July/August 2019 | Page 17

AFFORDABLE HOUSING Addressing the shortage of low-cost housing requires constant innovation which can benefit all parties involved including;investors, property owners and developers. Taking a closer look at the newly implemented policy in Johannesburg, we can unpack the various mechanisms being employed to implement affordable housing. CASE STUDY: Johannesburg The City of Johannesburg’s Inclusionary Housing Incentives, Regulations and Mechanisms for 2019 was approved on 21 February 2019 and implemented on 23 May 2019. The new policy applies to any development application under the jurisdiction of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality that has 20 dwelling units or more. As part of the policy, developers must ensure that 30% of the units cater to inclusionary housing. The new implemented policy will impact all new developments in Johannesburg. What does this mean for developers? Developers will have three ways in which they can implement affrodable housing. Option one, limits rental or sales prices using Social Housing ( as per the Social Housing ACT and the Social Housing Regulatory Authority) or through FLISP (the Finance Linked Individual Subsidary Programme) a national programme that provides grants to first time homebuyers. FLISP is subject to first-time home buyers who are wanting to make a purchase under a certain price. Under option one, developers can also opt to apply the city imposed rent control of R2100 a month. Options two and three limits the size of the units in order to reduce the price it will go for on the market. Understanding the policy: There are multiple reasons as to why the City of Johannesburg has implemented the new policy, including an effort to address the stark inequalities which currently exist in the City.The City of Johannesburg has highlighted the main aims of the new inclusionary housing framework below: • The framework aims to increase the supply of lower income housing, create more of a mix of income groups across new developments in the city and create more afforadble housing in areas that are well located in terms of access to jobs and amenities. The framework serves as a mechanism for land value capture in favour of the City and its residents. “Council is mandated to administer and award development rights within the City. The awarding of such rights usually results in the increase of value. This increase in value should not only enjoyed by the propety owner, but should benefit the wider City and its residents, as per the principles outlined in SPLUMA,” said an official City of Johannesburg statement It aims to enable the City to leverage infrastructure investements it and other spheres of government make. This is done to ensure that such investements benefit large and diverse portions of the population therefore effecting spatial transformation. According to Section 9 (1) (f ) of the Housing At 1997, the framework aims to generate more of mix income groups in private housing developments “ (1) Every municipality must, as part of the municipality’s process of integrated deveopment planning, take all reasonable and necessary steps within the framework of nationa and provincial housing legislation and political to (f) initiate plane, co-ordinate, facilitate, promote and enable appropriate housing development in its area of jurisdiction. “ Across the country, heads of spatial development are working on creating solutions to the current housing crisis. Globally, various countries have adopted their own unique policies in order to generate and increase housing opportunities for its residents. For example, Hamburg and Copenhagen improved the housing supply by placing publicly owned assets into an “Urban Wealth Fund” partnering with the private sector to implement residential projects.. “(1) Every municipality must, as part of the municipality’s process of integrated deveopment planning, take all reasonable and necessary steps within the framework of nationa and provincial housing legislation and political to (f ) initiate plane, co-ordinate, facilitate, promote and enable appropriate housing development in its area of jurisdiction.” A statement by the City of Johannesburg assures exisiting free-standing home owners they will not be impacted by the new policy.“It has no effect on exisiitng rights in the City, inclusionary housing is triggered by new development applications.” Cape Town is currently in the process of developing a programme for affordbale housing. The draft of this policy is reportedly going to be released at the end of this year. What is the importance of AH in SA? With majority of poorer resdients located in far distance from where they work or ‘rural’ areas, the spatial inequality still exisits. Earliar this year, Time Magazine placed South Africa on SA Real Estate Investor Magazine JULY/AUGUST 2019 15