Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Dec/Jan 2016/17 | Page 56

EXCHANGE RATES First Brexit, then Trump and then... What it means for the Euro, the Pound and the Rand BY ANDREW RISSIK T he applecart was well and truly overturned recently in the US elections. The fallout from Donald Trump’s victory has slowly started to moderate and now we’re left with the question: In a year that has already seen Brexit, which countries and currencies stand to benefit and which are going to suffer due to these seismic shifts in Western politics? Why did the US back Trump and the UK shun the EU? In my opinion, it’s pretty clear what caused UK voters to choose to leave the EU and US voters to pick Donald Trump – middle class disillusionment. Years of ever-increasing taxes, stagnant wages, lower social mobility and job losses have come to a head. This easily mobilised cynicism in the electorate was pounced on by Trump and the leave campaign expertly. Middle class taxpayers in the US and UK have been economically strained for many years now. With local manufacturing and production jobs dwindling in favour of globalised service industry jobs, many families have come under intense pressure. 54 DEC/JAN 2017 SA Real Estate Investor The working and middle class families in the US and UK have been left trying to make ends meet by working in retail and other low-level service industries – industries that are now reliant on cheap imported goods that were often once produced locally. In the US, Trump’s biggest bugbear was the outsourcing of manufacturing and production to the lowest bidders. This has come at a great cost to local manufacturing industries and the former reality TV star has promised to bring these jobs back to the US. In the UK, the middle class has also felt the pressure of globalist economic policy. But the focus of Brexit seems to be more on leaving the shackles of the EU rather than an outright rejection of globalisation and free trade. Both the Brexit and Trump campaigns tapped into the frustrations of the missing-middle demographic, but the two powerhouses of the West seem to be taking very different paths. Britain appears to be wanting to strengthen its ties with the rest of the world, while Trump seems intent on isolating and