Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Dec/Jan 2016/17 | Page 55

WEALTH INVESTMENT RULES FOR SUCCESS 1 Invest long term don’t trade short term 2 Remain flexible and open minded about types of investments 3 Invest for maximum total return 4 Buy value not market trends or economic outlook 5 Diverisify in stocks and bonds, there is safety in numbers 6 Do your homework or hire wise experts to help 7 Aggressively monitor your investments 8 Learn from your mistakes 9 Don’t invest with emotion or when in panic 10 Don’t invest when fearful or negative (Source: Franklin Templeton) COMPANIES Rebosis Property Fund, the JSE’s first listed black-managed REIT, sustained strong distribution growth for the year ended 31 August 2016. The results were underpinned by a defensive SISA NGEBULANA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF REBOSIS “Going forward we will continue to execute our strategy of building a retail focused, resilient portfolio that yields strong income and capital growth for our shareholders.” portfolio of dominant retail assets and stable earnings growth through its commercial office portfolio, mainly let to government. In addition Rebosis’ investment property portfolio consisting of UK based New Frontier Properties and local commercial office specialist, Ascension Properties further bolstered earnings. The Fund declared a final distribution of 62.66 cents per share, in addition to an interim dividend of 56.79 declared in February 2016, amounting to a total distribution of 119.45 cents per share for the year under review, up 8.2% on the prior year’s total distribution. WEALTH HIGHLIGHTS • Wills and Testaments • Sole Proprietorships • Exchange Rates • Trump and Brexit Outlook ANDREW RISSIK MANAGING DIRECTOR OF SABLE INTERNATIONAL FOREX If you need to move funds across the globe in your private capacity, we can help you by securing far better exchange rates and lower fees than a traditional bank can offer you. PRAVIN GORDHAN FINANCE MINISTER South Africa’s avoidance of “junk” status from rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch, which kept the country in the international investment grade, was a “major collective effort”. DEC/JAN 2016 SA Real Estate Investor 53