What category ( equities , shares , property , offshore , etc .) of investment has produced your most significant returns ? In the last 50 years , property prices have increased an average of ± 10 % per year . Also , in the last 50 years , property prices declined or depreciated in only three of the 50 years . There is good capital appreciation on property , and rental escalations also increase quite consistently .
Price is determined by supply and demand . South Africa ’ s population in 1994 was ± 40 million people . Today we are sitting with just over 60 million people in the country . These people need roofs over their heads . This is demand . From a supply perspective , there is limited land and resources to build , which can create a shortage and , thus limited supply .
Property investment has by far generated the best returns of all asset classes . However , using leverage ( the bank ’ s money ) correctly is imperative . When you do that , your properties ’ cash flow will
• Helping to oversee property portfolios of our client base of more than R650 million .
• Hosting Prosperity Enterprises Seminars across South Africa with more than 1,000 attendees at the full-day seminar and helping people achieve financial freedom in this way
• Hosting various Prosperity Enterprises Webinars online with more than 5,000 attendees and equipping people to build their property portfolios in the correct way
• Building a client base of over 1,000 clients in our trust structuring and trust administration business
• Obtaining financing of more than R500 million for our clients
• Writing and publishing his book :
Prosperity Through Property
• Becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA ) Charterholder