Real Estate in Turkey 10 Reasons to Invest in Turkey | Page 2

possibility of reviewing international courts and tribunals to solve the intractable problems facing foreign investors. It also increased Turkey's appeal to foreign investors. Infrastructure: One of the main reasons for foreign investors to invest somewhere is to provide the necessary infrastructure for investment and to reduce the cost of transportation. If we look at the basic infrastructure, such as transport, communications, energy, and technical infrastructure, Turkey has seen a boom this has made Turkey a center for attracting foreign investors. The briefing of three seafarers in Turkey has provided them with very cheap maritime transport, in addition to its connection with Central and Eastern Europe with a network of railways. Central Location: Turkey's central location linking Asia and Europe has historically made it a natural bridge connecting the two continents. Turkey has, through its location, embraced many commercial routes linking the East and the West. Today, Turkey enjoys a sensitive strategic location to reach more than 1.5 billion people in each Asia, Europe and Africa, and it is the most reliable transit point in trade relations. Europe's largest power plant and terminal: Turkey plays an active role in the energy transfer between Asia and Europe. It contributes to the transfer of energy from east to west and the transfer of funds from the west to the east. On the other hand, 70% of the world's energy sources are spread in Turkey and surrounding countries is an important center for the transfer of energy to Europe, which is one of the most important stations of energy consumption in the world. Low taxes and stimulus potential: In order to encourage investors to invest in Turkey, the institutional profit tax applicable to foreign investors has been reduced by 33% to 20%. In some cases, foreigners are exempt from this tax in whole or in part. Investors are also encouraged in some areas allocated by the State such as land allocation and other incentive policies. Membership in the European Customs Union: The European Customs Union, which aims to increase economic activities and offers. Turkey has been a member of this customs union since 1996, and there are 20 free trade agreements between the parties to this union. These trade relations are increasing day by day through the signing of new agreements. Large indoor markets: According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, from 2002 to date, the number of Internet users has increased from 100,000 to 33 million, the number of mobile users from 23 million to 70 million, the number of borrowers from 16 million to 58 million, In addition, the number of mobile users has increased from 33 million to 131 million. The number of foreign tourists coming to Turkey from 13 million to 40 million tourists annually shows that Turkey has a large domestic market.