Real Estate in Turkey 10 Reasons to Invest in Turkey

Turkey is known for its hospitality and geopolitical location, which has made it an important center for attracting local and foreign investors in various sectors, especially the tourism sector and the real estate sector, which has attracted great interest from investors. The beauty of its nature, Asia and Europe, with a high percentage of the youth population, was one of the main reasons that led investors to prefer Turkey to invest, especially the values that characterize Turkey, which made it the focus of interest of foreign investors in general, and turned it into a country open to investors and foreign capital. Each investor before investing in a place asks why he has invested in this place, so we have identified 10 important reasons that could serve as an answer to investors interested in investing in Turkey, whether for local investors or foreign investors. Improved and developed economy: Turkey has entered a new millennium with an almost collapsed economy, but since 2002 the country's economy has begun to improve rapidly. During this period, GDP, the country's most important measure, jumped from 231 billion dollars to 820 billion dollars. Which witnessed steady growth between 2002 and 2015, recorded a 5.1% annualized increase in GDP. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Turkey is expected to be among the fastest growing economies in 2012-2017, according to IMF data In 2013, Turkey became the sixth largest economy in Europe and 16 globally, attracting more than $ 135 billion in international capital (foreign investment) over the past 10 years. During this period, exports increased by more than 245%. The high percentage of young population: When investing in a place requires the presence of qualified youth and skilled manpower, Turkey's young population is very large compared to European countries. Turkey is the most populous country in Europe and more than half 30, which means that any investor who opens a project in Turkey will not suffer from the problem of employment and labor. Competent and competitive labor: According to the statistics of the Turkish Statistical Institute, Turkey has 29 million young people, including skilled and qualified workers. About 200 universities annually graduate 600,000 young people and about 700,000 graduates from secondary schools, institutes, and vocational schools. Those qualified for work, creating a competitive environment that drives workers towards creativity and mastery of work. Investing in a Renewable and Liberal Economy: It is known that in many countries there are barriers to identifying foreign investments, but Turkey, a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has begun to raise such obstacles to foreign investors starting in 1997. Today Turkey reached a stage where a company is established every 6 days, and the State deals with all investors to equality, creating a competitive environment between them. According to the Ministry of Economy, there are more than 37.000 companies with foreign capital in Turkey. Turkey also provides the