Ready ? Set . Goals !
“ What would you attempt if you knew you couldn ’ t fail ?” – Robert H Schuller
Welcome to 2018 . It ’ s going to be a magical year . If you follow numerology you will know that 2018 is a master number 11 - the number of manifestation . This year having a goal and planning is going to be crucial , but the rewards will be amazing .
As mums and business owners , our lives are hectic . They can quite easily get away from us . The best way to ensure you stay on track is to create a specific goal and plan for 2018 . Without a goal , you just drift .
When setting goals think big ! Be unrealistic and aim for the impossible . Once upon a time people thought that it was impossible to :
• Flip a switch to light different rooms in your house
• Use a telephone without wires
• Fly into space
And now we think nothing of it .
1 . Start with a goal .
“ ”
So how do you make the impossible , possible .
Write it down . For a goal inside your head is really , just a dream . When you write your goal , you create neural pathways , so you can achieve it . Your goal also needs to have a strong WHY attached to it to help get you through the tough times . The biggest obstacle to achieving your goals is worrying about the ‘ how ’ before you know the ‘ why ’.
2 . Change your order of thinking You have the power to create an extraordinary life . And it can be as simple as reframing the questions you ask yourself .
When starting on any new project , most people usually say “ What do I have to DO and what do I need to HAVE , so that I can BE …”
For example - I have to grow my business , so I need lots of referrals and then I will be seen as the expert in my field . Change it to : “ Who do I need to BE , so that I can HAVE …, which will help me DO ?”
And it becomes : I want to be seen as the expert in my field , so that I have quality referrals , which will help grow my business .
The first sentence has you chasing any referral that comes your way , going for volume over quality . The second says , I will share my knowledge , to attract the right clients , and they will refer the people who need my help . 3 . Your goals need to include Risk Traditional goal setting uses the SMART formula , but I like to take it one step further :
Inspiring Motivating Specific Measurable Achievable Risky Tangible Shouldn ’ t that say Realistic ? Why Risky ?
When using ‘ Realistic ’ in our goal setting , we set safe goals that aren ’ t inspiring or motivating . So , we don ’ t achieve them , e . g . I could set a goal to earn $ 1,000 in my business this year . This goal is SMART , but boring .