Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 32
Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a
StaR warS story
CHApTEr 21
Waft (p. 297)
Fumble (p. 298)
Coax (p.298)
Catwalk (p. 299)
Deadwood (p. 301)
To fell (p. 303)
Flicker (p. 303)
Whittle (p. 305)
Lunge (p. 306)
Tearless (p. 307)
1. Always so close, yet so far. After Jyn loaded the stardust tape, what obstacle prevented her
from then transmitting the Death Star data? (p. 299)
2. What are Tarkin’s plans for Scarif and why doesn’t he like the planet? (p. 301)
3. Was Krennic pleased that the Death Star arrived at the battle of Scarif? (p. 303)
4. In more realistic terms, what is another way to say that Krennic “made” Jyn? (p. 305)
5. What was the last obstacle Jyn faced in transmitting the Death Star data, and who
eliminated it? (p. 307)
CHApTEr 22
Buildup (p. 309)
Haze (n.) (p. 309)
Gasp (p. 310)
Crux (p. 312)
Harrowing (p. 313)
Crouch (p. 313)