Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 31
Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a
StaR warS story
4. The task of getting to Bodhi’s “master switch” has fallen upon whom? (pp. 286-288)
5. What happened to Chirrut’s focus after he activated the master switch? (p. 290)
6. What prevented Bodhi from carrying out his plan to rescue Jyn and Cassian? (p. 292)
7. Google “to go out in a blaze of glory”. What does this expression mean?
8. What does Admiral Raddus order the Lightmaker to do? (pp. 295-296)
9. Why did Raddus swear to name his great-grandchildren after Oquoné? (p. 296)