Read Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 12 | April/May/June 2017 | Page 57

“Everything you do in marketing is about your ideal client. People love

to buy, but they hate

to be 'sold' to.”

It's time to get back to the marketing basics; the principles in marketing are timeless. “It doesn't matter what the latest trend is, what the latest piece of technology is, you have to know who your ideal client is. Who do you want to serve above anyone else? Who would you serve for free if you were independently wealthy? Dig deep into your answers. This will assist you in your heart-centered marketing,” stated Jill. “You have to know your unique selling composition.  You have to know these foundations.”

“Benchmark, study, what others are doing, however you cannot use their voice.”

There are many avenues for marketing. It's easy to put our attention on the one outlet we are familiar with to promote our products and services. With the growing popularity of social media and the amount of time our eyes are focused on a computerized device, we naturally feel that's the best place to market. Many entrepreneurs simply forget the value of how vital face-to-face interaction is to the success of growing a client base..

For the sole-preneur who is wearing seventeen hats, and has no clients, they should consider scheduling four hours per day for marketing. If you have half the number of clients you desire, then dedicate two hours a day to marketing. “It sounds like a lot of time, and it is, however if you're not marketing you're not bringing in any money.” A lot of the hats business owners wear are not money generating, and it is beneficial to work on those types of activities first.  These activities could include creating some type of consistent content such as publishing a book, ebook, magazine articles, guest blog posts, and recording podcasts and videos.

“It's time to embrace marketing and make

it your own.”

Jill assists entrepreneurs in learning how to market their business by teaching clients how to create a functioning marketing plan, transform disorganized action steps into a road map with a direction, and develop a strategy with the intent to increase revenue. Please visit to receive a free version of her book “That First Client”. It's a workbook, and if you don't know where to begin, it's a good starting point. It serves as a refresher for those who are familiar with marketing to remind us of the elements we may have set aside previously. Jill is in the process of writing her second marketing book and plans to publish it in 2017. Jill is one of the collaborative authors in “Cultivating Joy” (2015) The Joy of Receiving and “Gratitude and Grace” (2016) The Gray Suit. To learn more about her services and Celestial Academy, please visit

A lightworker is an average, everyday person whose intention is to help others unconditionally. In regards to entrepreneurs, they are heart-centered individuals utilizing their intuition to guide their decisions and actions for the good of everyone that comes in

contact with their business, services, products and beyond.

April/May/June 2017 | | 57