Read Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 12 | April/May/June 2017 | Page 56

to be distracted, make impulsive decisions, and fall victim to the 'pretty object' syndrome. For example, you've developed a solid strategy and you notice someone else is making great headway utilizing the latest trend, or you see another business branding their product with the latest technology, and you quickly shift gears to follow their lead. Soon you find yourself on the express train going down a rabbit hole of “I gotta do's” and end up weakening the foundation of your original well-thought out plan.

Lack of quality-work-time is another distraction. As Jill stated, “You need to figure out what's distracting you. It might be social media, email or content from the latest marketing text. Whatever the distraction is, you need to minimize it. This could mean removing apps from your phone, or setting designated hours to check your email. Whatever eliminates your particular distraction, do it.”

The marketing guru who is eager to sell you the latest get rich trick

and greatest formula can also be an unsuspecting distraction from your original marketing plan. “People, especially lightworkers like you, Cindy, who are very purpose driven and heart-centered, those marketing formulas are, well… it's like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. They don't work because, you're like, I don't want to write an email subject line like that, or I don't want to create a Facebook ad that looks like that.” The formulaic approach doesn't feel authentic, which can put your entire strategy and approach out of alignment with your intention. A growing number of entrepreneurs are tired of being sold to, and they are recognizing the many snake-oil tactics being used to sell the 'flavor of the month’, so to speak.

Business owners may know their specific trade but, generally speaking, may have little to no experience in marketing. It is easy for them to get caught up in the exciting hype of a

given marketing trend - even when their intuition guides them elsewhere.  They still may attempt to put into action the trendy marketing ‘fix’ hoping against the odds that these tricks and formulas will bring in hundreds or thousands of dollars like the marketing guru selling their concepts said would happen. When the instant results don't materialize, we tend to believe 'I'm doing it wrong because I'm not getting where I need to be, so obviously I need to follow somebody else'.  It's natural for us to want to copy the patterns and steps of someone we believe is doing everything right. We do ourselves a disservice when we ignore our intuition and follow the crowd for the sake of a trend.

“It doesn’t' work,” stated Jill. “Either your marketing efforts will fail, or they'll succeed and you feel like shit. So it's a

lose lose either way.” We

do ourselves a disservice

when we ignore our

intuition and follow

the crowd.