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and call that method from JavaScript code. we'll create this method as a callback. Let's update the code in bold in Bulb.swift Import Foundation @oblc(Bulb) Class Bulb :NSObject { @objc Static var isOn = false @objc Func turnOn () { Bulb.isOn= true Print (“Bulb is now ON”) } @objc Func turnOFF(){ Bulb.isOn = false Print (“”print Bulb is now OFF”) } @objc Func getStatus(_ callback : RCTResponseSenderBlock){ callback ([NSNull(),Bulb.isOn]) } @objc Static func requireMainQueueSetup() -> { return true } } COPY getStatus() method receives a callback parameter that we'll pass from your JavaScript code. and that we have called the callback with an array of values, which can be exposed in JavaScript. we've passed NSNull() because the first element, which we've considered as a mistake within the callback. And then finally update the React Code: Import React , {Component} from ‘react; Import {Text,View,NativeModules,TouchableOpacity} from ‘react-native;