React Native App Development Company in USA | Page 4
const styles = StylesSheet.create ({
container : {
flex :1,
justifyContent : ‘center’,
alignItems : ‘center’,
backgroundColor : ‘#F5FCFF’,
Now open Xcode console to ascertain the logs and that we can see that Swift turnOn method is named from JavaScript
code. (As we've done logging within the method)
Step 2 - Understanding GCD Queue and fixing the warning:
Now let's fix the warning shown at rock bottom of the simulator and in browser console:
To understand it better let's understand about all the thread React Native runs:
Main thread: where UIKit work
Shadow queue: where the layout happens
JavaScript thread: where your JS code is really running
Every native module has its own GCD Queue except it determines otherwise. Now since this Native module will run on a
special thread and our main thread depends thereon , it's showing this warning. And to form this code to run on
MainQueue, open Bulb.swift and add this function.
static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
return true
You can explicitly mention return false to run this during a separate threat.
Step 3 - Accessing a variable in JavaScript from Swift and Callbacks
add the Bulb Status(ON or OFF) value to our React screen. to try to do so we'll add the getStatus function to Bulb.swift