What was the hardest book or scene to write and why?
Halloween Nightmare has been the hardest. We wanted the history of the town to be perfect which has taken a lot of planning to keep things situated for the sequels.
Which book can you read over and over and not get tired of it?
That would be a toss up between Halloween Nightmare and The Witches of Dark Hollow Ridge.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
The kiddos
Do you believe in ghosts or the spiritual world?
Yes, very much.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Start marketing early!
As a writer, if you could choose a spirit animal for yourself, which would you choose?
Wolf. I've always felt a connection with them and the moon that rules them.
Who are your favourite authors?
Stephen King, Nora Roberts, Erin Lee
Which is your favourite cover of all your books and why?
The Witches of Dark Hollow Ridge
I felt as if the witch on the front, although you can't see her face suited Sadie, the lead character. I think its the hair. LOL.