Rena Marin
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead from your most recent book?
The twins Tia and Mia in Halloween Nightmare are dark haired with green eyes. Possibly Danielle Campbell although I'm not sure of her eye color.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Halloween Nightmare took a bit since it was a collaboration. My most recent, The Witches of Dark Hollow Ridge only took about a month.
Do you carefully select the character names in your books or just use the ones that pop in your head at the time?
Carefully select and change several times lol.
What was the first job you ever remember wanting to have as a child?
I wanted to be a teacher.
Do you read all your reviews?
Yes, although it scares me!
What did you do to celebrate when you published your first book?
Called and text everyone I knew!