RBC Annual Report 2020 | Page 9



Hello , my name is Yoomi Oh from the Korean Community . I came to Australia 3 years ago .
As I was praying , before writing this testimony , a notification came up on the Bible App of my smartphone . The words of Psalm 95:1-2 were written there . “ Come , let us sing to the Lord and shout joyfully toward the rock of our salvation . In this joyful place of salvation , I write with thanksgiving and give glory to the Lord .”
With joyfulness , I gratefully thank the Lord and praise Him for my salvation . Like a thirsty deer being led to a stream , I was led through the dark and lonely days of an orphan who lost her parents , to finally meeting my Heavenly Father through the Lord Jesus Christ . I vowed to never walk away from my Heavenly Father again , but 2 years ago I broke that promise . I felt great shame . I didn ’ t understand the big picture . I felt God had left me . I had so many questions . I hid in my room and closed the door of my house and my mind .
I still went to church every Sunday but there was no relationship with God . I was running further away from God . But then He allowed me to realize that He was still there , watching over me , loving me . The daughter who had left home turned around , repented and returned to her father . Immersed in that love , I was greatly healed . I had come home . I prayed . “ Thank you , God for the great love you have given to me . From now on , how should I live my life ?’ God answered , “ Tell , teach and love ''.
God ’ s love led me to open the door of my heart to this church . Here I was introduced to a loving community and a faithful leadership . By the grace of the Lord , I am being baptized here today .
“ Thank you , Lord ! Today , I profess that once again I am your daughter and that you have a great plan and purpose for my life . I give all the glory to you , my loving Lord . Amen .”
- Yoomi Oh ( Baptised 22 / 12 / 2019 )

" I now see the world with love through the eyes of God who loves us . I stand here in obedience to God ’ s calling to pray for the sick and to tell others about God ". - MinKyoung