RBC Annual Report 2020 | Page 13

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People in tough places supported through Enrich Life ministries
Families / Individuals regularly assisted through Fresh Food Friday each Fortnight
Families empowered through COACH Mentoring .
Kids lives impacted positively through COACH
As people were emerging from the covid lockdown period in SA , I had the privilege of journeying with a couple of women who were managing mental health issues . They were already feeling isolated and found the additional isolation regulations particularly tough .

" My COACH mentor has walked beside me when

I needed to do something new . She helped me organise my house , think carefully through decisions I need to make and I now have increased self confidence thanks to my mentors guidance . I also have additional supports and friendships in my life that weren ' t previously there including Centre-pay in place to assist with managing my finances better ."

- Graduated Coach Mentee
Through the ‘ Hope Pack ’, a mental health mentoring resource developed by Baptist Care , I was able to engage with these women in a purposeful way and they began to create new and healthy habits in their lives . In term two we started a weekly art therapy class at RBC that brought these women together regularly .
It has been incredible to see how God has used this opportunity to bring healing , confidence , new friendships and a growing faith into the lives of these precious women .
- Bec
I asked participants in the Enrich Life English as Second Language Class if there was a theme they wanted to explore . They replied with " Jesus conversations ". We explored english words that may be used in church , names of God , even the concept of salvation in simple English words .
We went through Matthew 6:5-26 and talked about the things we worry about . Then as a listening activity I read them " Bob the Bird " by Andrew McDonaugh , followed by a group activity of writing our own prayer related to the worries of class members .
As we finished reading the prayer together a number of the Chinese ladies were very excited . They told me this is the first time they have prayed in English , and for them this was a momentous occasion . They wanted a photo of everyone . It was very humbling .
- Sharon
People who have engaged further in faith through attending Alpha , Services , Youth or Receiving Prayer
People supported through Beyond Food Emergency Relief Program
People helped to get their financies back on track

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