RBC Annual Report - 2013 | Page 25

Young Adults The young adults at RBC continue to inspire me, as so many of them are stepping up in the ministry life of the church. As part of the Baptist young adult leadership team I was pleased to help provide a valuable day of training for 20 of our young and emerging leaders. Mark Sayers came and ran a one day conference on what it means to be a ‘true leader’ and I heard some great feedback from our young adults that this was a valuable time. Guys and girls nights every third Sunday night of the month continue to be a great times of fellowship and growth and I’m looking forward to strengthening those bonds as I take our young adults away camping at Mambray creek over the Oct. long weekend. I am also super excited to be taking a team of young adults on mission down to Victor Harbour as part of the Green Team in November. We have a team of 28 young adults going down and this massive team is an indication of how God’s Spirit is at work in the lives of our young adults. God Bless Pastor Rick