Issue 1 (2017)
The International Journal for
Recording Achievement,
Planning and Portfolios
Welcome to the second edition of RAPPORT!
The aims and scope of this new Journal are, in the related fields of recording achievement, e-portfolio
technology/practice and personal development practice, to:
disseminate globally and promote high-quality research;
be a prime source of developing knowledge;
facilitate the sharing of rigorously evaluated and innovative practice;
provide an outlet for, and occasionally commission, challenging personal and professional perspectives
across educational sectors.
5. disseminate globally and promote high-quality research;
6. be a prime source of developing knowledge.
The journal aims to share international thinking and practice around the topics of recording,
reviewing and reflecting on achievement in learning, personal development and employment; action
planning for learning and development; e-portfolio and related technologies to support and enhance
learning, achievement and the development of personal identity.
Articles will be considered for publication under three headings:
Research papers (3-6000 words): original research on any aspect of our understanding of
personal development and/or e-portfolio practices;
Scholarly and critical reviews of implementations/development work: case studies/evaluation
reports (1500-3000 words):;
Opinion/thought pieces (1-4000 words): speculative or challenging discussion of new ways
of working, approaches, interpretations or analysis.
In keeping with CRA values and practices, a special feature of this journal is the desire to
encourage practitioners who have not previously published their work. Contributors may submit an idea or
early draft and request help in developing this into a publishable article. Suitable submissions will result in
the assignment of a mentor from the editorial board to that individual for a specified period.
Proposals or ideas/drafts should be submitted in the first instance to the co-ordinating editor, Dr
Janet Strivens, at [email protected]