RAPPORT Issue 5 (August 2020) The International Journal for Recording Achievement, Planning and Portfolios The ‘Top Down Bottom Up’ Bibliography: an aggregated list of useful sources for those wanting to develop their understanding of Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising in the UK The Context Rob Ward One outcome of reviewing 41 portfolios over three cohorts was the opportunity it provided to access the range of resources and reference points which those submitting portfolios found to be useful in supporting their understanding and subsequent presentations. As time went on, we made use of these to augment the initial list of references in the Award Handbook, and a collated list is provided here. Hence the title: our ‘top down’ starting points extended and enriched by the contributions of Award participants. Some of these are discipline-centred; others may have a short shelf-life. We have not included them all - some older newspaper items have been excluded for example - but we have included the majority where they are on topic and reasonably readily accessible. Finally, to make finding information found useful by others a little more straightforward, we have also searched the web for online access and include these links below where we have been able to locate them. Some will require access via institutional subscription, and not all of the weblinks will be permanent by any means but hopefully this will help readers to access the perspectives of others. And while our list makes no claims to be exhaustive, it does reflect perspectives that a range of practitioners have found useful. Happy reading! Andrews, B. & Wilding, J. (2004) The relation of depression and society to life stress and achievements in students. British Journal of Psychology, 95(4): 509-21. At: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/1 0.1348/0007126042369802 Association of Managers of Student Services in Higher Education (2001) Responding to student mental health issues: 'Duty of Care' responsibilities for student services in higher education. At: https://www.amosshe.org.uk/resources/ Documents/AMOSSHE_Duty_of_Care _2001.pdf Bassett, J, Gallagher, E. & Price, L. (2014) Personal tutors' responses to a structured system of personal development planning: a focus on 92