RAPPORT Issue 5 (August 2020) upgrading to Gold from their initial designation, • 78% of statements mentioning student support for upgraded Gold award providers linked student support and personalised learning. • There was also mention of how student support was being tailored to support different student groups, with 40% of statements referring to how the provider was supporting either non-traditional students, students at risk of non-continuation or students with disabilities. In short, the development of effective personal tutoring and academic advising practices to a high standard and their evaluation followed by their dissemination enhance the reputation of any institution. Of course, within all of the debates that there have been about what constitutes ‘excellent teaching’ there remains a discussion to be had about what constitutes ‘excellent’ personal tutoring and academic advising – both face-toface and online. Conclusion By following Gibbs’ 15 steps it is possible to demonstrate how a sustainable strategy or policy for personal tutoring and academic advising can be developed that is grounded and sensitive to particular institutional and discipline contexts. Although there is only slight mention of personal tutoring and academic advising within Gibbs’ article, it is clear from a review of the CRA/SEDA Programme portfolios that personal tutoring and academic advising are central to building the crucial relationships between students and tutors; students and other students and students with their institutions and courses. This centrality becomes even more important as an increasing number of institutions and courses rely even more on online tutoring. Huge thanks to Rob Ward for commentary on an earlier draft. References Barton, D. (2020) How do we future-proof personal tutoring? Educational Developments, 20(5): 14-17) Cambridge, D., Kaplan, S. & Suter, V. (2005) Step-by-Step Guide for Designing and Cultivating Communities of Practice. Educause. At: library.educause.edu/resources/2005/1/ community-of-practice-design-guide-astepbystep-guide-for-designingcultivating-communities-of-practice-inhigher-education (accessed 28.05.2020) Crouch, R. & Barrett, R. (2006) Issues for online personal tutoring: Staff perceptions from an online distance learning programme. In Thomas, L. & Hixenbaugh, P. (eds.) (2006), Personal Tutoring in Higher Education. Stoke-on- Trent, UK: Trentham Books Donoghue, S. (2007) Leadership and Strategy. In S. Marshall, (ed.) Strategic Leadership of Change in Higher Education – What’s New? Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge Gibbs, G (2009) Developing students as learners – varied phenomena, varied contexts and a developmental trajectory for the whole endeavour. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, Issue 1: 1-12 Lochtie, D., McIntosh, E., Stork, A. & Walker, B. (2018) Effective Personal 90