Raphaeli Waldorf School Newsletter TERM 2 - 2017 | Page 9
E c o l o g y, g e o g r a p h y a n d m a t h e m a t i c s
We started our second term by beginning our
exploration into different aspects of the
curriculum on Giraffe View Farm. Phillipa (a
parent of a child in last year's class 7 class) very
kindly offered us the opportunity to visit her part
of the farm every Thursday. We have so far: been
on a wonderful walk, visited the river, explored
Phillipa's garden, seen bee keeping first hand
and removed honeycomb and started our very
own compost heap.
We have also been recording rain
measurements and the changing temperatures.
There is nothing quite as awe-inspiring as the
outdoor classroom, and we are blessed to
experience this and the many seasonal changes
every week.
Thank you Phillipa & Vernon. - Bronwyn