Raphaeli Waldorf School Newsletter TERM 2 - 2017 | Page 8
cuneiform script
on clay tablets
The Class Five children explored Ancient
Persia this term. They were enthralled by
the epic of Zarathustra, the golden star.
We worked with dualities in life,
opposites and contrasts.
This is brought forth by the two main
forces in Ancient Persian mythology,
Ahura Mazdao (light) and Ahriman
(darkness). This work of duality was
furthered in Mathematics by looking at
Pythagoras' 10 mathematical principles
i.e. limited and unlimited, male and
female, straight and curved etc.
The children explored the landscape of
modern Iraq and Iran. Living in an
everg reen area, although there is
drought, is a far stretch of the imagination
to the desert areas of the Middle East.
They did beautiful, guided veil paintings
of a desert scene.
- Wilmie