The fact that I was still experimenting with my camera really helped because while I was experimenting with the camera I
ended up filming and clicking a lot more than I would have if I was doing the filming in a scheduled or methodical process. Some of the activities which people were doing initially didn’t’t seem really interesting to me became a lot more
valuable when I understood the interconnections one activity had with something else.
During a video interview of Taylor, a volunteer, said this; “When I got to know that your shower came from cowpoop, it felt
so much more valuable to me.”
That quote gave me a very big insight: “Not only would interconnections and the closing of loops make the ecosystem
everlasting but they simply also made people happier.” Looking at my hypothesis again, one of the questions I had asked
under ‘territories to be explored’ was this “Is it true that it is more likely for you to experience happiness in nature if you
know that you are not harming the environment?” This question seemed a little stupid to me initially but going there, seeing the happy faces of people, their friendliness, and the sudden interest that people gain in farming upon getting there
made me believe that being part of a sustainable community makes us happy.
During the ideation stage, while I was choosing a theme for my infographics and movie, I thought the theme “A home you
don’t need to get out of” seemed genuine and knew it was going to give my work an appeal as long I properly execute
the idea through my work.
Another question I have asked in the territory to be explored section was this:- “ What is the motivation that made people
to turn up for Eco literacy classes in Rancho Margot?” So I asked the volunteers during weeding, “How did you get here?”
Some of them had a background in permaculture, sustainability. Some were into biotechnology that came as part of their
internship for college. Some came knowing that it would be a relaxing yet valuable time by spending a month or more in
a sustainable ranch.
What I thought was common with all other guests and volunteers I interacted were that they really cared for the earth and
they all held certain values about sustainability. Another quote from Taylor was; “We have a lot of student groups coming through who are not necessarily coming here for the sustainable educational aspect, they are coming here to stay in
here as a hotel, or as facility for doing a program or having a summer camp and things like that, whereas the people who
come here as guests, the hotel guests, you know it takes a very unique type of person to come and invest their money in
a place like this. And they don’t come here thinking you know, oh I am going to come to a luxury hotel in the middle of a
jungle, they come here saying ‘wow this place is sustainable. This place is incredible. I wanna learn about what is going
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