Porter: I have seen at least 20 people who back then it was just about like ‘‘oh
have said to me “I loved your band and then maybe we could play in Nevada or
you stopped, I couldn’t see you then, so I’m Arizona, the next state over’’. Then
just so thankful you came back”.
we got signed and it was funny beBrandon: The crazy thing is, we did this 10 cause when Atreyu started people
year anniversary show and people were like f*cking hated us, we sat at the dork
“You guys are this nostalgic thing” and I say table. We weren’t cool at all.
that’s very true, but I also just met this 16 year We released multiple EP’s and got
old kid who is a newer fan. It’s kinda crazy that signed but it just wasn’t happethe insurgence from both sides has been sur- ning. Then it happened, and out of
nowhere it just contented to hapPorter: That’s honestly the ultimate goal for pen. I could never have dreamed
any artist ever, to write something that can that I would have accomplished
effect someone who is say 10, and someone anything close to what I have, but
who is 70. Maybe we aren’t reaching full up to I’m super fortunate for it. Now I just want to
70 yet, it might be a few years before that. But continue to grow and grow and grow, and acthe gambit of our fan base is impressive.
complish all these others things that I would
Brandon: It’s validating too, because for me have never dreamed of. There is still a bunch
we are in a hardcore, punk, metal band. As of sh*t that I won’t even say we want to do,
history goes we are not in the timeless genre we will do.
of music. It’s not rock, it’s not those simple VP: I have no doubts. What’s the best part
things that have been around already, be- about being in Atreyu?
cause it hasn’t been around that long, it’s not Brandon: All the chicks man ... just kidding
that old. Even metal is not that old.
People care about a record we wrote 11 years Porter: I love to travel, and I love to meet
ago and that’s really cool and validating. people on those travels. As a photographer
When we came back we were surprised and and artist, there is nothing more inspiring
pleased, it makes us feel good.
for me then doing that whole thing. Playing
Porter: It makes me feel two things, very gra- shows and being with my best friends is
teful for one - that people still give a f*ck, I f*cking phenomenal, but as a by-product of
thank those people. Secondly it makes me that I get to see rad cities like London, and exfeel stoked for the future – whilst people plore. After this I’m going to stay in Edinburgh
still care then we are just
for 3 weeks, and then Amsgoing to keep writing rethen
“I WAS ALWAYS JUST terdam and home. Brussels,
cords, and we will all just
and then I go
have fun together.
AN IDIOT HARDCORE VP: Do you take your camera
Brandon: We have been
along with you?
saying this a lot live too,
Porter: Yeah everywhere, I
just in appreciation of fans that are coming have it right here.
out to shows, it’s very simple but it’s like - the Brandon: He is doing all the artwork for the
only reason we are here is because your hear new album ‘Long Live’.
(the fans). If we didn’t have that we wouldn’t VP: Is it going to be photography?
have any reason to come back. We might have Porter: Yeah, digital photography. There is an
been like “we should write music together” or image for each member of the band.
whatever, but then nobody cared. So it’s nice There was this day, I was working for about 5
to know lots of people still care.
or 6 hours on this one image for a certain part
VP: There is this whole new generation of of the album art. I was working for so long,
people that haven’t even found you yet, and and I tried all these things, and it just wasn’t
with playing Reading and Leeds later this year working, the perspective was all wrong. I
- more and more people are going to discover was like “Why the f*ck didn’t I just step 3 feet
over, or turn this way a little bit”. I was so mad,
Brandon: Absolutely. Nobody knows what I was like “f*ck this”. I took a break, and then
the future holds, but it looks damn bright.
30 minutes later I just start laughing, because
VP: When you first started out as a band, sel- I’m going to be back in the exact same spot. I
ling EPs did you ever envisage you would be have my computer and my camera, and I will
a signed band?
go have a pint in the pub, and I will make sure
Brandon: I was always just an idiot hardcore it works. It’s done now!
After Soundwave, I went to New Zealand by
Porter: (whispers) He still is…
myself for fun, and I wondered around and I
Brandon: Yeah I’m just not a kid, although I am took a sh*t ton