Victoria Purcell
Brandon Saller & Porter McKnight
t’s been 6 years since Atreyu were on the tell you what it means. He wants you to figure
UK music scene, and now they are back it out for yourself, and the way I see those lywith a killer new single ‘So Others May’ rics, (well the same way Brandon just said, but
and are gearing up to release new album also), I see them talking about hospital wor‘Long Live’ in September 2015 via Spinefarm kers, or police men, or anyone who is there to
Records and Search and Destroy.
help people. We need to be thankful.
The band have been off taking some time for VP: They are good lyrics, as people can almost
themselves to accomplish other goals they relate to the lyrics with their own things that
had in life, and seem to have done a very they have got going on as well, people may
good job at it. Read more online at - www. find their own meaning.
Porter: Yeah you would be surprised how
Editor, Victoria Purcell (VP) sat down with many people have a brother or an uncle or
Brandon Saller (Drums/Vocals) and Porter a friend that’s been not only served, but has
McKnight (Bass) at Search and Destroy HQ to been insanely affected.
find out more.
VP: Does the album continue with a theme, or
VP: Talk us through ‘So others May’?
is every song very much individual?
Brandon: Well the concept came from a friend Brandon: It’s kind of individual, there is no
of Alex’s (lead vocals) who was a coast guard, running theme - although the one thing
part of a special dive team. He is a snarly dude! that runs through the album constantly, is
He has jumped out of helicopters to save just pure f*cking honesty. Alex has always
people that are drowning
been a very poetic writer,
in the ocean - it’s insane.
not vague at all, but very
But on the broader spec- “SO OTHERS MAY IS poetic with the way he says
trum it caters to our
things. There are still those
armed forces in general, OUR MOMENT OF JUST elements on this album, but
just essentially touching
that lyrically this album
PAYING RESPECTS“ Iisfeel much more blunt. It’s a
on the fact that people
sacrifice their lives, and
very real album.
their families to go and fight for our country. Porter: Lyrically as a whole, this record is the
Not even just in the states everywhere in the best Alex has ever written. He types them
world. They literally give up everything to do out, and they kind of just spew out onto an
this, and they get hurt and lot of them get tat- ipad as an artist does. I had to go through the
tered for life and have life altering things hap- lyrics and make sure everything was right,
pen to them. Then they come home and kind and listen to the songs, and write they lyrics
of get treated like sh*t.
as maybe a fan would. I was shocked, I mean
Aside from Alex’s friend I have met tons of I have heard these songs hundreds of times,
people like this. There is a great bar in Hun- but when you sit there and you read these lytington Beach called Johnny’s Saloon, it’s a rics, it’s like he fucking nailed it. It’s so impresvery veteran friendly place, and I have met so sive how good he is.
many veterans in that bar. There have been Brandon: He touches on stuff in this record,
people that have told me they got sent home, like there is a song on the new record called
been discharged as their leg got blown off. ‘Moments Before Dawn’ and it is the darkest,
They tell me their payments are late every most gut wrenching song I have ever listened
month and they can barely afford rent.
People shine a light on that now and then, There is another song called ‘Live To Labour’
but I don’t think you can shine a light and which is the working man’s F*ck You. You
show respect enough. ‘So Others May’ is our listen to it, and it’s just so f*cking real. He is
moment of just paying respects to these not trying to beat around the bush, he is just
laying it out there. I think that people will grab
VP: That’s a great meaning and it raises awa- onto that because there is a lot of hit the nail
on the head moments with the lyrics.
Porter: In Alex’s lyrics he doesn’t really want to VP: It’s great when songs have real solid mea-
nings. It’s great when people can relate.
Brandon: Yeah, Alex has always been a writer
open to interpretation. He will never tell you
what songs are about in interviews, he likes
to leave it open. It’s very rare that he would
tell you what a song is about. The song can
be whatever it needs to be for you, I feel like
people will listen to this album and say “I
know exactly what you are talking about”.
VP: Do you have a favourite track on ‘Long
Brandon: Moments Before Dawn, Live To Labour, and Do You Know Who You Are.
Porter: I like 1 though to 12. It’s like choosing
a child. They are all brilliant. Although I think
‘Long Live’, is one of my favourites and ‘Reckless’. So the bookends are my favourites 1
and 12.
Brandon: ‘Long Live’ is a cool song for us,
because we have never written a song for us
before. I felt like it was an appropriate time for
us to have that.
VP: When I think of Atreyu it reminds me of
being… well a teen I gues