£5k. I might ruffle feathers with that, but I just
think it’s a little strange when bands ask their
fans for that much money.
You certainly have some interesting points
there! No doubt fans will go out and buy
‘Time and Trauma’. This album in particular
we felt a real connection with, we really felt
an emotional intensity, where did that come
It was an emotional record for me because I
wrote it about the passing of my mum, that
was a huge blow to my life. She was a huge
supporter of our band and all the boys were
real close with my mum, it was difficult. My
mum passed away when she was 58, so she
was way too young. So, I wrote a full, 2-3 years
of stuff trying to heal and process that entire
growing period of dealing with a lost parent,
and realising that we are not here forever.
It’s a difficult thing to not be able to give my
mum a call, and things of that nature so, it’s
the most important lyrical content that I’ve
ever had for myself. I thought that I was doing
things to help myself before, and get things
off my chest, but it didn’t have the gravity that
this album does. I know it doesn’t.
Overall we did think that the album was quite
uplifting especially toward the end, where do
you feel that rise of it came from?
I kind of feel the opposite about it a little bit,
only in the sense that I always try and do those
things. I’ve always tried to work on these negative things in my life, and find a positive,
and find some sort of empowering way out
of it. This album is more just coming to terms,
and accepting and that can be positive as
well. Sometimes you just dwell on something
that is so negative, you can never find peace
with it, that’s not good.
I’m glad you think it has that feel because I
want that, but the subject matter is so definitive, so final that there is no way out of it.
There is a way to heal from it, and as time goes
on I think we do, we accept and we learn and
we grow. That’s the process of life.
This album really means something, which is
great. A lot of people listen to music to help
them through stuff, and it helped you too. So,
overall it’s a great healing album.
I appreciate that, everyone has been so positive so far, it’s really great.
‘Time and Trauma’ is released February 16th
36 Crazyfists
Time & Trauma
Steve Jackson
Spinefarm Records
As a fan of the band I am pleased to confirm
that 36 Crazyfists have returned and they are
on fire. My first impression upon listening to
‘Time and Trauma’ is that of a band which
sound fully re-energised, their identity has
been rediscovered and they are firmly doing
what they do best.
For a band that has always been slowly progressing their sound ‘Time and Trauma’ may
seem like a step back in their evolution. This
is not an album that will be breaking down
any new musical boundaries; it is not a very
adventurous album. However it is an album
that is incredibly well written and will be
lapped up by their fans (hopefully gaining
some more along the way). This is easily
their finest album since ‘A Snow Capped
Romance’, one that every fan the moment it
starts will be punching the air in delight.
The music is far more groove orientated
than the previous 2 albums. It’s a combination of the angry stomp of ‘Bitterness the
Star’ and the emotional impact of ‘A Snow
Capped Romance’. While the songs are not
epic in length they are epic in their scope. Diving from bludgeoning heavy riffs that will
send mosh pits into a frenzy, to grand soaring choruses with effortless ease. It is clear
that 36 Crazyfists are playing fully to their
strengths, highly emotive yet heavy songs.
The rhythm section has retained that hardcore groove, while the guitar furiously buzzes around, all wrapped up by the instantly
identifiable vocals of Brock Lindow.
While it is all well and good returning to
what you do best, it is ultimately the songs
that stand the test of time. This is where
‘Time and Trauma’ truly shines, the songs
are just simply incredibly well written and
as a collective group of songs they flow effortlessly from one to the other. There is an
emotional intensity to the music that leaves
you exhausted but very much uplifted at the
end of the album. No song on the album
sums this up better than ‘Also Am I’, it is truly
a stunning song and could quite possibly be
the best song they have ever written (yes
that’s right, its that damn good).
Will ‘Time and Trauma‘ bring the success
which 36 Crazyfists deserve is hard to tell,
it certainly deserves too. In a sea of carbon
copy acts and mechanical metal by numbers, 36 Crazyfists have delivered an album
that is very real, organic and emotionally