36 Crazyfists
Brock Lindow
ince bursting onto the scene with ‘Bit- there were other life issues that seemed to
terness the Star‘ shortly followed up take forefront.
by ‘A Snow Capped Romance‘, 36 Cra- For all these years the band has been evezyfists were a breath of fresh air for metal rything, the only thing. For the first time in
fans. Somehow the success which they de- our career, it wasn’t for a while. That kind of
served eluded them, ‘Rest Inside the Flames’ bought up some questions on if it was time
treaded water and they were quickly dropped to hang it up, or if we still wanted to continue
by Roadrunner Records. A few
on, and how did we
line-up changes occurred and a
feel and continue to
change of record label during a
stay relevant in our
period which they released ‘The
Tide and its Takers’ then ‘Col- KNOW HOW INTO THE
lisions and Castaways’, which BAND WE STILL WERE“ Once we got to the
both albums subsequently
writing, and we really
sounded like a band trying to
started feeling the
find their footing again.
creative process, and how much we loved
It’s been a good 5 year wait for ‘Time and Trau- making music together. I realised how much I
ma‘, the anticipation amongst 36 Crazyfists needed music. It really re-focused us on what
fans must be feverish. With bated breath we want to do, and how lucky we are to be
waiting to see it, their return is a glorious one. able to do it.
We sat down with vocalist Brock Lindow at
The Marble Factory in Bristol...
We are certainly glad and are sure lots of fans
out there are glad, that you kept on going,
After a bit of a break, how are you fitting back and didn’t call it a day.
into the tour lifestyle?
That’s the other part of me, without them we
Alright, to be honest since we hadn’t been on wouldn’t be doing it. Those couple of years
the road for a while, it’s been a decent transi- not being able to answer fan’s questions like
tion... we are still hungover everyday, we try «What’s going on?». We totally didn’t even
to enjoy it as much as possible, with the same answer them, which is kind of rare for us,
old tour routines.
because we try to really pride ourselves on
being easily accessible. Every night we are in
‘Time and Trauma’ is sounding really re-ener- the bar with the people, and we have always
gised and rediscovered, would you say you loved that. The fans are such a massive part
were on a path to rediscovery?
of it, I don’t even call them fans, I just call
them family or friends. Fans is something
Definitely, because before we started wri- that sounds below us, and they are so much
ting the record I didn’t really know how into a part of it. It sound kind of cliché, but there
the band we still were. Everybody had been is a huge connection between us and them.
heavily invested in the band, but at this time Without them, it wouldn’t be worth it really.
Victoira Purcell
We think that’s really important, there are a
lot of bands out there who charge for backstage meet and greets, there’s always a bit of a
question about whether or not bands should
be charging for that sort of thing, and if that
should happen.
I have a very mixed viewings about that, but
I’m being swayed a little bit and I will tell you
why. In this day and age if your fans do not
support your record, lets’ say they download
it for free, they might catch you at a show,
they might not, so they are supporting you in
that sense. But if they are not going to be a
part of it as far as continuing to support the
physical or digital copies of the record, and
things of that nature, bands aren’t going to
be able to come back.
So, they are having to make new ideas on
revenue stream. The charging someone extra
to come and meet them when you are going
to be in the bar later, I have a major problem
with that. That’s why I argued with the label
and management about these ideas. But then
some bands are doing some really cool stuff,
where you get to come in early, you get a
hoody or a t-shirt that nobody else can buy,
you get a little bit more of a personal intimate
time with somebody that you might really
dig. That I get. I think there is a cool way to do
it, i’m just not sure if I