railway wanderers Vol 1 | Page 14

Black Kenyua women to take off their panties, convince them to put on rings, and get you red carded if you are Moibi (“Kwenda Huko”) or Carlo (“Fuck off you whingeing gimp”) Truth be told the standard of match reports in RWFC at the moment is probably the worst I’ve seen it for years. Why are they so bad? The spelling is about as accurate as Pagey’s aim on a midnight expedition to the game of shits throne room, in other words, SHIT is all over the place. As for the grammar, well it is about as together as a Mucatha FC uniform. Paragraphs remain a rumour in some cases and sentences regularly compete for longestbunchoffuckingwordsputtogetherwitho u t a t h o u g h t f o r howthepersonreadingthiswillbreatheandund erstandwhatthefuckyou’retryingtosay. Now, there are those who will plead the 5th or the fact that English is the Queens language and it came by ship, that they are not “scribes” or in some cases that they think in their mother-tongue and much is lost in translation. All of this may be fine and true but surely at our age it is cause for concern that we are competing with Millenials in the “Who The Fuck Needs To Communicate Well Olympics?” Sometimes it seems that the “pressure” of writing a match report gets to guys. Kind of like some Railwaymen, Simone Zaza and penalties. This is then compounded by the kind of performance anxiety I can imagine one feels if they were next in line behind Solo on his annual BBW orgy weekend. But where Solo consistently proves that size doesn’t matter and he continues to discover new heights of sexual, tackling and drinking prowess, it might serve guys to remember that words do fucking matter. They convince Just as we keep telling each other on the field to “relax,” “take your time,” “put your foot on it,” “play the simple ball” you can play the writing game in the same way. Don’t try to rush it and make it as dirty as possible just because you know Musa likes it that way. Playing well is not necessarily about whether you are a talented player or not, Waweru, Geordie and Mo demonstrate this week in week out. Similarly with writing, you don’t have to be a Musa or an Arthur, a Scottie or Pagey, but you can just play your own game, write your own way and be as patient and considerate with your writing as you would be if Serena said you could tap it IF you got all your spellings and punctuation right. As a reminder of our Match Report History and the standards that were set, enjoy these blasts from our past from the legendary Cindy Crawford Files An RWFC Club Night Report Areas of Discussion Bent’s final club night. Efforts to keep him in the country failed and he took the family over playing up front with Udo. Kick Boxing has clearly eroded his decision making process. Farewell old boy and keep that pimp hand strong. Fuck den Sekundene! Scott Webber somehow won the lucky draw despite organising it and holding the cash prize in his hand. ‘Surprisingly’ his number was drawn. Clear signs that corruption has hit Braeburn’s top brass (rumours that Richard Lee was spotted yesterday gambling away the Braeburn literacy budget on the horses