RAF Medical Reserves | Page 8

RONALDSWAY LIMERICK WATERFORD DUBLIN BELFAST LONDONDERRY Torquay Hastings Eastbourne Brighton Hove Worthing Bognor Regis Portsmouth Havant Waterlooville Eastleigh Poole Bournemouth Fareham Gosport Exeter Stevenage Cheltenham Harlow Luton Bedford Oxford Milton Keynes Worcester Gloucester Cambridge Corby Peterborough Redditch Northampton Mansfield Willenhall Halesowen Leamington Spa Stourporton-Severn Shrewsbury Telford W Bromwich Walsall Dudley Sutton Coldfield Cannock Stourbridge Kidderminster Newcastleunder-Lyme Solihull Nuneaton Rugby Hinckley Stafford Crewe Burton upon Trent Chester Tamworth Chesterfield Rotherham Stockport Lincoln Widnes Runcorn Wallasey Birkenhead Ellesmere Port Warrington Newport Swansea Southend-on-Sea Margate Brentwood Basildon Gravesend Dover Folkestone Tunbridge Wells Maidstone Rochester Gillingham Chatham Crawley Basingstoke Guildford Woking Camberley Staines Reading Bath Swindon Slough Watford Amersham High Wycombe Westonsuper-Mare Ipswich Colchester Clacton-on-Sea Norwich Great Yarmouth Lowestoft Middleton Oldham Bolton Crosby Bootle Wigan Barnsley Doncaster Salford St Helens Carlisle Hartlepool Middlesbrough Stocktonon-Tees Darlington Barrow-in-Furness Burnley Blackburn Keighley Halifax Huddersfield Bury Rochdale Preston Blackpool Southport South Shields Gateshead Washington Harrogate York Scunthorpe Wakefield Grimsby Greenock Paisley Kilmarnock East Kilbride Hamilton Clydebank Stirling Dundee Aberdeen Douglas LONDON PLYMOUTH SOUTHAMPTON CARDIFF BRISTOL LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STOKE -ON-TRENT WOLVERHAMPTON DERBY COVENTRY SHEFFIELD LIVERPOOL BIRMINGHAM MANCHESTER BRADFORD HULL NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE SUNDERLAND LEEDS EDINBURGH GLASGOW LONDON Slough Slough 612 Squadron ( County of Aberdeen ) 502 Squadron ( Ulster ) 4626 Squadron ( County of Wiltshire ) 600 Squadron ( City of London ) Based at Leuchars Station , Scotland Based at Aldergrove Flying Station , Northern Ireland Based at RAF Brize Norton , Oxforshire Based at RAF Northolt , North West London Medical Squadrons Medical Reservists serve with one of four squadrons , though we recruit throughout the UK , so you can join wherever you live .