RacquetTech Issue 1 - 2017 RacquetTech Issue 1 - 2017 | Page 20

Execution :
Objectives :
Execution :

Gabe Jaramillo

Execution :

1- Player at the T or middle of the court 2- Basket drill moving gradually into live ball 3- With the opposite hand the player pushes the hitting arm inside , using the back of the hand to do so 4- The hitting elbow should be inside on line with the belly button 5- The player executes the volley maintaining the position of the elbow and the help of the opposite hand


Objectives :

1- To make sure the racket does not go down after contact 2- To avoid the choping on the volley stroke 3- This drill can be done for forehand and backhand volley

Execution :

1- Player closed to the net , in a position close enough , where the racket can touch the net after contact 2- Start with fed ball and transition to live ball 3- After contact the racket should travel above the net with out touching it 4- For this drill we will use a longer and very fi rm followthrough
Article and text by : Gabe Jaramillo Photographs by : Ray Giubilo
Website : www . gabejaramillo . com