RACA Journal October 2023 | Page 14



The following golf day article was supplied by SAIRAC Cape Town Centre .
Golf image by Freepik

The event was hosted at Parow Golf Club on 18 May 2023 . The day presented players with a challenging experience and beautiful views of Table Mountain as a backdrop . The event was well supported by SAIRAC members and companies within the industry . The course and ever-changing weather conditions presented players with a competitive and enjoyable day on the greens . Noel from Parow Golf Club set the field off at 11 o ’ clock with a shotgun start . We commend all the teams and players for your impeccable sportsmanship and valour on the day .

Jacques Mouton , SAIRAC committee member and master of ceremonies , supported by the committee members and helpers from industry , did a sterling job for the day . A special word of thanks to our sponsors for refreshments on the course , advertising banners and great prizes for the event .
A huge thank you to the sponsors on the day who contributed to the festive atmosphere and relaxing experience . We would like to thank the following companies who contributed towards the day with sponsorship and prizes : Metraclark & A-Gas Intramech ebm-papst South Africa Vivid Air Air Movement Supplies SARACCA CAREL SA Coldfact Danfoss Daikin Dunham-Bush Eurocool ElectroMechnica IWC / Tektower Keystar Industries – Elliwell Kovco Metraclark Raetech Thermocoil Wynroete Verkoeling
All images supplied by SAIRAC Cape Town Centre .
THE WINNERS ’ PODIUM Teams represented on the day were :
• Aermec ( Aersa )
• Advantage Air – MyPlace
• Vivid Air
• Daikin – Chardonnay
• Filtamatix
• Metraclark – Emerson
• Energy Partners Refrigeration
• Filtamatix
• African Cooling Systems
• Advantage Air – MyAir
• Livance – Midea
• Metraclark – Carrier
• Metraclark – Sinclair
• ElectroMechanica
• A-Gas
• Daikin – Pinotage
• Intramech
• ebm-papst
The course and ever-changing weather conditions presented players with a competitive and enjoyable day on the greens .


RACA Journal I October 2023 www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za