www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I October 2023 11
There was a packed house with one element in common : HVAC & R . The i4 Group table .
Patrick Burke of RPM Group .
Barry Wallet and his wife Theresa Wallet , Patrick Burke and his wife Lesly Burke , Alan Curry and his partner .
Mariet Pieterse received the Dave Rough Award for the person who is not a SAIRAC member , but who has contributed the most to SAIRAC over the past year .
B T Radebe , winner of the National Award , and his table .
Grant Laidlaw and family make a triumphal entrance .
Gregory Grobbelaar and Nicolas Vickers receiving the award for the Best Student .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I October 2023 11