www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I May 2024 7
INCENTIVES FOR INDUSTRY AND LOCALISATION Transparent incentives are necessary to attract industry and promote local manufacturing . South Africa should explore various incentives at different levels to position itself competitively . Incentives drive investments and create employment opportunities for the youth .
EXPANDING LOCALISATION THROUGHOUT THE VALUE CHAIN Localisation opportunities extend beyond solar PV modules . South Africa has capabilities in various areas of the solar PV value chain . By scaling capabilities and manufacturing components like solar cables locally , South Africa can meet domestic and international demand , boosting exports .
CREATING MANUFACTURING CAPABILITIES FOR GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS South Africa should focus on building manufacturing facilities and expertise in areas where it already has capabilities . Incentivising local manufacturing expansion and scaling will enhance competitiveness and unlock export opportunities for economic growth .
STRATEGIC PLANNING AND LOCAL THINKING To lead in renewable energy , South Africa needs strategic planning that anticipates global trends and embraces greener technologies . Integrated planning beyond generation is crucial , considering transmission , distribution and other aspects for longterm economic growth .
INCLUSIVE POLICIES AND CAPACITATING DECISION MAKERS Inclusive policies and skilled decision makers are essential for renewable energy sector success . Policymakers need skills in local and strategic thinking , economic development and efficient regulation implementation to drive growth and a sustainable transition .
AFRICA SKILLS BOOTCAMP AND LOCALISATION OF QUALIFICATIONS The Africa Skills Bootcamp represents a significant milestone in South Africa ' s renewable energy sector . This initiative , in partnership with Chinese companies and TVET colleges , focuses on manufacturing components locally . By bringing expertise , funding and skills development to TVET colleges , communities that have been excluded from economic participation can benefit from the burgeoning renewable energy industry . Localisation of qualifications ensures that South Africans are not left behind and have access to opportunities within the sector . It promotes inclusivity and drives access to renewable energy jobs for all citizens , irrespective of their background or access to international funding .
SEIZING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE HYDROGEN VALUE CHAIN The hydrogen sector holds immense potential for South Africa ' s renewable energy future . To capitalise on this opportunity , it is crucial to prioritise skills development and ensure that the workforce is equipped with the necessary capabilities . Redressing past inequalities and equity issues requires localised qualifications that provide equal access to all South Africans . By
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I May 2024 7