focusing on building capabilities and strategic thinking , South Africa can position itself as a leader in the hydrogen sector , attracting investments and driving economic growth .
COLLABORATION AND INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT Collaboration between government , industry and educational institutions is crucial for a skilled renewable energy workforce . Working with industry , the government can develop industryaligned training programmes and initiatives to nurture a thriving renewable energy ecosystem .
MITIGATING OFF-GRID FLIGHT AND PRESERVING JOBS To address off-grid flight and sustain power-related revenues , incentives should be created for customers to remain connected to the grid . Wheeling and trading mechanisms offer cleaner and more affordable power options , securing the grid and preserving jobs .
FOSTERING MANUFACTURING AND EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES Decarbonising networks and aligning manufacturing assets with renewable targets will attract manufacturing industries and boost exports . This strategy safeguards jobs and strengthens the economy through increased exports of renewable energy-related goods .
THE PROMISE OF HYDROGEN South Africa can leverage hydrogen for job creation and economic growth by tapping into abundant resources and neighboring partnerships . Localising qualifications will enable broader participation and position the country as a hydrogen industry leader .
BALANCING THE JUST ENERGY TRANSITION The Just Energy Transition Fund presents opportunities and challenges . Re-purposing job roles through alternative technologies can mitigate the impact on affected communities . Ensuring a fair and inclusive transition process maximises the use of financial resources . RACA
“ South Africa can lead in renewable energy , while meeting immediate energy demands .”
RACA Journal I May 2024 www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za