RACA Journal May 2023 | Page 31

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For Africa , hydrogen is both a decarbonisation vector and jobs multiplier .
The Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority ( CHIETA ), together with The Transport Education and Training Authority ( TETA ) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ).
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The partnership is earmarked to galvanise meaningful ways to explore the lucrative international hydrogen market estimated to grow exponentially to the value USD2.6-trillion by 2025 . Research indicates that the hydrogen economy can help address climate change challenges by reducing greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously creating jobs along the hydrogen economy value chains .

“ We have identified a huge opportunity for CHIETA and TETA to work closely together to provide leadership on skills development for the hydrogen economy to ultimately create a future-ready workforce ,” says TETA CEO Maphefo Anno-Frempong .
The MoU serves as genesis to creating / developing requisite skills to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the hydrogen economy and related total value chain inclusive of manufacturing , production and safe transportation on South African roads .
“ Green hydrogen economy skills cannot be developed in isolation but require a consolidated and collaborative approach that involves stakeholders from across various industry sectors . Thus , we are encouraged by TETA ’ s openness and willingness to work with us in this regard ,” says CHIETA CEO Yershen Pillay .
“ It is only through partnerships like this that we can establish effective goals and ensure they are aligned with delivering on skills development , education and training through innovative solutions for sustainable livelihoods ,” he remarked .
It is expected that the African hydrogen industry could create approximately between 1.9-million and 3.7-million jobs and boost South Africa ’ s gross domestic product by 2050 ( Masdar-ADSW Report , 2022 ). For Africa , hydrogen is both a decarbonisation vector and jobs multiplier .
CHIETA and TETA will collaborate on research and development programmes , implement future and priority skills in digitisation , innovation and economic reconstruction and recovery plans , with a particular focus on the hydrogen economy and transition .
They will also collaborate on skills development and training initiatives , including digital programmes ; support the implementation of Smart Skills Centres ; collaborate on STEM projects and work jointly on SMME development and support projects .
This momentous occasion was attended by the chairpersons of both SETAs , Executives and Management teams . The partnership commenced on signing of the MoU and will remain active until 31 March 2025 . RACA

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I May 2023 29