RACA Journal May 2023 | Page 30

AECOM ESD manager Yumna Ameer .
schedule a project . Other modules cover specific health and safety issues such as the critical role that safety-file readiness plays on any project , for example . Basic labour relations and the impact of the Protection of Personal Information ( POPI ) Act on a small business are included , as is understanding the competitive landscape and pitching a small business from a marketing point of view .
The subject matter of these different modules was derived from an intensive needs analysis carried out with all qualifying SMEs identified by the main contractors and includes some previously appointed small contractors . A range of assessment tools will be put in place to gauge feedback . To ensure there is a satisfactory uptake of knowledge , each beneficiary will develop a portfolio of evidence , based on notes , tutorials , completion of set exercises and using the actual SPU campus development project as a ‘ live ’ example . The aim is for the targeted SMMEs to ultimately be able to apply for an improved Construction Industry Development Board ( CIDB ) grading .
“ We are proud to be part of such a complex skills transfer programme at this major project . It is all due to being able to work with a visionary client like SPU , which has ensured that community involvement and supplier development remain at the top of the agenda ,” concludes Ameer . To date , the overall project has provided employment for about 1 000 local people . RACA
The subject matter of these different modules was derived from an intensive needs analysis .”


RACA Journal I May 2023 www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za