RACA Journal March 2023 | Page 9

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By Eamonn Ryan

February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science .

It is a day created by the United Nations to promote full and equal access to , and participation in , science for women and girls . There are increasing numbers of role models in science for women and girls who continue to make considerable contributions to chemistry and medicine .
Role models such as Professor Elena Pettinelli led the team that discovered water on Mars , or Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna who won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their ground-breaking research on the genome .
Together with the many women colleagues in the NGO space , as well as in every sector of business in South Africa including the media , TechnoGirl Trust salutes the hard work of women and girls in the science community .
“ Today , we celebrate all the women advancing science ! By doing so , we show our girls that Africa counts on them to discover the next frontiers of research and innovation ,” says Staff Sithole , CEO of TechnoGirl Trust . The organisation is an award winning , internationally recognised employment- and talent-management programme that was voted one of the top three programmes with the Generation Unlimited initiative . TechnoGirl Trust consists of an innovative programme for girls and young women who show an interest in Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM ). Young female learners from quantile 1 – 3 schools are earmarked to become beneficiaries of the programme . They gain access to knowledge and mentorship , in the process becoming empowered to make the right choices .
It was conceptualised in 2004 by founding partner Uweso Consulting in collaboration with UNICEF and the Department of Basic Education .
While TechnoGirl Trust is focused on making a large-scale impact at secondary and tertiary level , it recognises that an issue that is not receiving the attention required is the poor focus on Early Childhood Development ( ECD ). These formative years are essential in establishing a pipeline of girls with an interest in STEM subjects through their basic education . Here lies the gateway to STEM careers , sustainably and systemically enabling the development of homegrown female science , accounting and engineering skills for a transformed society and a transformed science sector .
“ We call on government to strengthen ECD and Basic Education Programmes with a strong focus on teaching and learning of pure mathematics and science at basic education levels and boosting career guidance to promote science studies as a career of choice at tertiary level .”
The programme enables girls to experience STEM careers and ultimately , make informed career choices . TechnoGirl Trust works closely with strategic , funding and implementing partners , and through this collaboration has to date enabled 15 019 girls to complete the structured programme and , on average , 75 % of the beneficiaries advance to STEM careers .
“ The programme is built on the understanding that exposure to the workplace at an early age can significantly contribute towards motivating girls to take up STEM careers that are in demand and where women are under-represented ,” says Sithole .
Collaboration is key . TechnoGirl Trust ’ s model shares the transformation burden with corporates by partnering with them to develop girls so they become better equipped for entry into STEM careers . “ This will lead to sustained employment opportunities and , in so doing , break the cycle of poverty at least for those girls participating in the programme .”
She describes TechnoGirl Trust as a talent pipeline creation for economic growth for young women , focusing additionally on inclusivity , empowerment and employment . “ We address shortages for in-demand careers in growing national economies , while contributing towards funders and donor organisations becoming seen as employees of choice . In partnership , we create economic opportunities for young women ,” adds Sithole .
“ Our goal is to ensure equal access to all levels of education and especially so in the fields of STEM , and to empower young women and girls by making every effort to end all forms of discrimination in the STEM industry while striving to ensure young women ’ s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political , economic and public life .” RACA
“ Today , we celebrate all the women advancing science ! By doing so , we show our girls that Africa counts on them to discover the next frontiers of research and innovation ."

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