Large exhaust systems being loaded at the Cox Manufacturing
premises in KZN.
its line with advanced features such as an automatic insulator,
flanging transfer line and automated duct sealer, to name
a few.
“What this machine means is faster lead times, lower labour
costs and higher precision quality fabrication,” explained Cox. This
machine is able to produce a duct every 60 seconds!
The machine manufactures small ducts, fully automated up to
750mm wide with S& drive and semi-automatic for ducts larger
than 750mm — only requiring a single operator.
The auto line is capable of using 1 500mm wide coils instead of
the traditional 1 200mm ones which means using 20% less duct
joints, which in turn results in lower installation costs and lower
duct air leakages. The 1 500mm fabrication will shortly be available
for clients.
Cox Manufacturing has also been improving its technical skills
in heavy duty manufacture. In 2017, the company underwent
successful radiographic welding tests with certification in both
stainless steel and aluminium welding disciplines. The company
now has the ability to weld in mig, tig, and high frequency
equipment in work in exotic materials such as aluminium.
Cox Manufacturing can supply industrial grade ductwork as well
fabricate steel structures and platforms for both the commercial
and industrial HVAC industry
Heading this department is qualified boiler-maker foreman Robert
Shedrick, who has more than 30 years of experience in heavy
industry fabrication. “This has allowed the company to increase its
work in heavy industry with duct pressures in excess of 2 000pa and
not only supply industrial grade ductwork, but also fabricate steel
structures and platforms for both the commercial and industrial
HVAC industry,” explains Cox.
Added to this product portfolio, the company has the ability
to fabricate dust extract cyclones, access platforms, chilled water
piping and other welded products. RACA
RACA Journal I June 2019