www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I July 2023 37
Hi Calibre Engineering ( Pty ) Ltd
PRODUCTS SELECTION AND CRITERIA : A net with a platform inside was suspended directly underneath the ceiling and a tarpaulin was suspended underneath it to catch any debris or tools . This allowed for unrestricted access underneath for normal factory operations to continue ( IBC ).
VarioDuct from FabricAir was selected as it offered a solution for its adjustable configuration . In the summer , cooled air is allowed to flow from the top of the fabric duct through many small perforations . The cool air then drops to the floor while displacing hot air to the top where it gets drawn in through the return air grilles . In the winter , warmed air gets
“ Contrary to traditional metal ducts , entire fabric ducting works as a diffuser .” forced to a low level through nozzles on the underside of the fabric ducting that were precision engineered to result in the required throw of the air ( 7m down ). The warm air again rises to be drawn in through the return air grilles .
Testo was appointed to do a detailed temperature mapping of the facility , placing 42 temperature loggers across the warehouse . From the results , hot and cold spots could be identified , and permanent EMS probes installed here .
The heat load of the warehouse was determined by calculating the number of people working in the warehouse , the heat generated by the electrical forklifts and solar heat gains through the ceiling and external walls . The effect of the solar heat through the ceiling was also addressed by installing Lambda Board inter-purlin as close as possible to the roof sheeting while maintaining a safe distance from the fire sprinklers . Outside air introduced to the system to comply with minimum fresh air requirements was also considered .
The Varioduct fabric ducting and Testo Saveris 2 EMS were both installed here for the first time in South Africa .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I July 2023 37